2024年2月28日 — 8 Best Free File Search Tools. The fastest way to search your Windows computer is with a tool called Everything, but here are some other options.
AnyTXT Searcher is a powerful file content search application, just like a local disk Google search engine, and much faster than Windows search and Windows ...
DocFetcher is an Open Source desktop search application: It allows you to search the contents of files on your computer. ... search, fuzzy search (find words ...
2019年4月8日 — A desktop app for searching in file contents. Works out of the box without indexing. Can search in pdf, doc(x), xls(x), text files, png, jpg, ...
FileCloud is a full text search software that enables users to search through content inside the files/search documents for text. Users can use all content ...
2024年5月8日 — Many users require basic methods to search text in Word documents easily. File Explorer is also a great file management tool that can aid users ...
2023年8月30日 — DocFetcher searches your files and creates a full-text search index from them. It quickly finds all documents that contain a searched word.
TextSeek is a tool to find files and document contents in Windows and MacOS instantly and accurately. It supports PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OpenOffice, ...